Community Membership FAQ

Community Membership FAQ

 What personal information is shared on Ko-fi as a supporter? You can get all the details about what personal information Kofi collects and how it manages privacy here. As an Art Lover Member, when am I able to access and download illustrations for the month?  On the...
On the Way Home – Weisa Journal

On the Way Home – Weisa Journal

From “Memoria” – Campaign 1, Episode 3, first aired on Sep 19, 2023. This journey back to Juramentum is bringing up all sorts of memories for me. I look at these refugees and see myself – all of us ripped from the root of our lives due to others’ carelessness,...
The Awakening, A Prologue Episode

The Awakening, A Prologue Episode

AUC 2,775, 5th Day After Ides of Tiwei (First Aired July 18th, 2023) Awakening is always a particularly wild spectacle here in Juramentum, but I didn’t expect to witness such unusual activity this year. Of course, there was the merriment: the sloshing cups, the...